Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Find the Source of SharePoint Workflow Email

Occasionally I have had someone approach me with a request to figure out why they are receiving an email from SharePoint.  Usually I can figure it out quickly from context clues (such as the message sender’s display name, which is the same as the sending site’s title). But sometimes I have been thrown for a loop and couldn’t figure out the source off the site title alone.  Luckily, SharePoint often gives all the necessary clues in the message header:


In exchange if you open the email, then click File => Properties the Internet headers show the pertinent info:

  • The first line in the headers will be “Received: from SharePointServerName” – This will tell you what farm. (I have had occasion where a content database was restored to another environment and that was why I wasn’t figuring out the source.)
  • Often there will also be headers like:
    • x-sharing-itemid: 1569 – this is the item id of the list item associated with the workflow
    • x-sharing-remote-uid: {CD66E7CA-688C-4A39-870F-C9B93D4C88E7} – this is the list id of the parent list.
    • x-sharing-wssbaseurl: http://sharepoint/sites/collection/website – this is the url of the website hosting the list.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

SharePoint bookmark: This control is currently disabled.


I noticed on a SharePoint wiki library that the bookmark functionality was disabled.  When I hovered over the textbox for the control it provided the following prompt:

“This control is currently disabled.  You might not have the right permission level to use this, you might need to select an object or item, or the control might not work in this context.” 


I had used this functionality on other sites, and was puzzled why it was disabled in this instance.  The answer, luckily, ended up being simple.  The “Bookmark” functionality as part of creating links is apparently dependent on the site collection feature: SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure.


It is also dependent on the SharePoint Server Publishing site feature:


Once these features are enabled on the target site, then the control is also enabled:
